Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Okay... now what?

Well, that was easy. Now, I'd like to believe that I could say anything original in a "first blog post" entry, but of course, I can't. Anything I say will not only be unoriginal, but also not funny or insightful for that very reason. Why even bother, you might ask? Mainly, I might answer in the unlikely event that you actually asked, because I can't honestly claim to have something better or worthwhile to put as a first blog post without painfully limiting my capacity later on.
This blog will be where I put every vague ramble, every long-winded rant and generally other things that are too long to have as a status on facebook. I don't expect many readers. In fact you, reader, might be the only person ever to visit this otherwise barren, desolate excuse for a blog.
The first few posts here will be copy-pastes from the "Notes" I've written in the past on facebook. I will put them up over the next few minutes and then simply update this blog, then share the articles on facebook, rather than just writing notes on facebook.

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